How to lose weight while sleeping?
Learn how to increase your Fat Burning Rate while sleeping.
4 years agoon
Robert Lee
How to lose weight while sleeping? During our sleep, our brains are working hard on cleaning and regenerating our bodies from toxins and stresses that we all have accumulated throughout the day. A part of the explanation eight hours is that the recommended amount of sleep is due to the length of your time it takes your metabolism to burn off what we’ve got consumed during the day.
Make sure the temperature in your bedroom isn’t too warm and that you’re comfortably dressed, or sleep without clothes. If we are waking up within the night because we are warm, uncomfortable, or something is poking us uncomfortably, it takes away precious minutes within the deepest part of our sleep cycle. This deep sleep is where our brains and bodies get the foremost accomplished. Sleeping undressed could be a good way to encourage deep, comfortable sleep and might also help us burn more calories.
A study conducted by the US National Institutes of Health found that once we sleep in a relatively cool environment our body produces more calorie-burning brown fat to assist keep us warm. Therefore, if you’re cool and comfortable you’re also losing weight with none extra effort.
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Is it healthy to sleep at a rather lower temperature?
The short answer is yes for several reasons:
1. Physical Health
Sleeping at a lower temperature is useful to several of parts and organs in our body, not the least of which is our cardio-vascular system. Make sure the bedroom temperature isn’t too hot and that you’re wearing light and cozy nightwear or none at all. Wearing clothes is critical for many people, but it’s also restrictive. Sleeping without clothes gives our body an opportunity to be freed from its daily confines and promotes increased blood flow, which is beneficial for not only our heart and veins but also our muscles.
Blood flow could be a vital part of repairing damaged muscles, which is why doctors will often recommend a therapeutic massage for damaged areas. Additionally to our heart and muscles, deep, restive sleep is very important to the health of our largest organ, our skin. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology did a study within which they created blisters on participants’ skin, then measured their sleep patterns and the way they corresponded to their healing rate.
When we sleep deeply our body increases its production of growth-hormones which help to repair our skin, not just from blisters and blemishes, but from the daily aging process similarly.
2. Psychological Health
There are countless studies done that show the connection between an absence of sleep and increased stress. A study was done by the American Psychological Association that checked out reducing insomnia and the way that results in an improved overall mood, and mental well-being. Not only does sleeping without pajamas help with psychological state, just being undressed can help improve confidence and self-image.
Most people don’t have much time during the day to simply hang-out in our birthday suits, therefore the time we spend in bed reading or watching tv before going to sleep could be a great time to suit in and feel more comfortable in our skin.
3. Emotional Well-Being
Spending time unclothed in bed incorporates a positive impact on emotional health, and not only for the apparent reason. Sure, hanging out undressed will possibly result in increased attention from your partner, but there also are also tangible physical benefits to our reproductive systems.
Women’s pants and underwear tend to be tight and constrictive, which might encourage yeast infections and other female health issues. Many gynecologists recommend giving yourself time to air out as a preventative measure to those uncomfortable problems.
Tight underwear also presents a controversy when it involves male fertility. Keeping male parts constricted reduces blood flow, which then slows down reproduction capabilities. Underwear that keeps a man’s parts too tight against his body also causes them to be at a hotter temperature than nature intended and this increased temperature will be damaging. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures may salso increase the risk of testicular cancer.

Fat Burning While Sleeping
Our brains and bodies are constantly burning up glucose and calories. After we push our bodies through a physical activity we burn plenty. Once we are folding laundry or sweeping the house we burn some. Even after we are sound asleep, we are still burning the building-blocks of fat. This happens because our body’s metabolism never sleeps.
The amount we burn varies from person to person based on several factors like age, diet, fitness level, and of course, how well you’re sleeping. Once we are within the REM (rapid eye movement) level of sleep our brains are enganging at level almost equal to what they’re during our waking hours.
This more active sleeping phase raises our metabolism to higher activities than any other sleep levels and burns off the foremost fat. Unfortunately, it takes approximately an hour and a half for our bodies to attain REM sleep and each time we awaken within the night to kick off the blankets or get a drink of water, the sleep cycle starts all over again.
What Burns Belly Fat While You Sleep?
Most people have, at one point or another, heard the recommendation to not eat before bed if we would like to lose weight. This concept came from the very fact that our bodies are constantly burning calories and which if we can get through all the calories we’ve eaten within the day our body will start eating our hard-to-lose belly stores while we sleep.
While this is often true, and it’s still not recommended to eat large amounts, or high-calorie foods near bedtime, scientists are finding that some foods, especially those high in protein, are beneficial to our nocturnal fat burning.
1. Dairy
Milk and other dairy products contain two types of essential proteins, whey, and casein, both of which help our metabolism. Don’t get too excited, this doesn’t mean it’s a decent idea to eat that big, sugary bowl of ice-cream right before bed. What’s a legitimate idea is something simple like a glass of milk, warm or cold, or a glass of kefir. Both of those are great sources of whey protein.
You may have heard of whey protein in reference to body-builders because it may be a common supplement to gain muscle mass quickly. Kefir has the additional benefit of being a probiotic, which suggests that it helps the expansion of healthy bacteria in your gut. These healthy bacteria then reduce the body’s oxidation of fatty acids and help with weight loss.
If kefir isn’t your cup of tea, greek yogurt is another healthy bed-time snack. Greek yogurt is high within the other sort of protein mentioned, casein. Unlike the other proteins, casein is a slow-release protein that helps keep your metabolism working for 6 to 8 hours.
A study by researchers at Maastricht University found that a small, casein-rich snack before bed helps to repair and strengthen muscles during the night, and therefore the stronger muscles are the more calories they burn through.
2. Red Wine
Long touted as a good source of antioxidants, red wine is another good pre-bedtime option. Red vino is rich in a compound called Resveratrol that is contained naturally in fruits like red grapes, apples, and lots of sorts of berries. Resveratrol is useful in our body’s fight against fat because it takes white fat cells and converts them into beige fat cells. But fat is fat, right? Wrong. Brown fat cells have long been known to use up lipids rather than storing them, and beige fat cells do the same.
Why does this matter? Because by burning up their lipids rather than storing them, these fat cells are also oxidizing themselves and reducing the number of fatty cells within the body. So by turning white storage cells into beige active cells, red wine helps to burn fat. However, like many things, moderation is vital, and more than a glass or two of wine can actually hinder sleep, not help it.
3. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile features a long history of use as a gentle sedative in many cultures globally. It’s so effective that it’s listed within the official compilation of medical drugs in 26 different countries, including France, Belgium, and Germany. Researchers have discovered what herbalists and village wise-folk have known for hundreds of years, that chamomile calms nerves, settles upset stomachs, and aids in sleep. Modern science has also shown that this plant helps to control carbohydrate digestion and therefore the absorption of sugars.
4. Water
Water is important to our very existence and is additionally an excellent help in the fight against unwanted fat. Water could be a natural appetite suppressant and drinking a glass before a meal can help you feel full quicker and eat less. A cold glass of water has been shown to extend the number of calories you burn while at rest. Not only must your body have to expend energy to digest the water, first it’s to produce enough heat to warm the water up to body temperature. Even drinking room temperature water can raise the number of calories you’re burning by a couple of percents.
What Burns Fat Overnight?
Our metabolisms are one of the best allies in our efforts to melt off body fat. The faster and healthier our metabolism, the more efficient it is at burning unwanted fat. So what can we do to accelerate our metabolism, even after we are sound asleep? As it turns out, there are some things we are able to do during the day that may help our metabolism keep running at nighttime.
1. Eat Small Meals and Healthy

This isn’t to mention starve yourself, our bodies need proper nutrition to function at their best levels. What it does mean, is that it’s better to eat small meals all day, as against three big ones. Try eating a protein-rich breakfast of eggs or yogurt, so some hours later maybe a handful of fruit or nuts. Small meals frequently help our metabolism to work at a constant rate throughout the day, in opposition to the ups and downs of the three larger meals we eat traditionally. Being in an exceedingly consistent state of labor helps carry your metabolism through the night at or near that very same level.
2. Daily Excercise
An article published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition found that individuals who exercise, specifically exercise like resistance training, have higher resting metabolic rates for an average of 16 hours after they’re done working out. This implies that a bit of workout in the evening can help keep your metabolism cruising along, long after you’ve got laid your head on your pillow. There’s no need to do a full-weight routine or serious cardio, just a little workout to induce your blood flowing and your inner systems working. Maybe follow up with one in all the protein snacks we discussed earlier to help with muscle-building while you snooze.
3. Sleep More
Did you realize that overweight people get, on average, 16 minutes less sleep a night than people that are of average weight? This might not look like plenty, but that turns out to almost two hours less a week. Two hours weekly becomes eight hours a month, meaning folks that are of average weight have gotten a whole night’s worth of sleep over those that are overweight. Why does this matter in regards to weight-loss?
A study done at the University of Wisconsin showed that people who sleep more had reduced levels of the hormone ghrelin and better levels of leptin. These two hormones have a significant impact on our appetite, with leptin raising energy levels but keeping hunger at bay, while ghrelin stimulates the urge to eat. To put it simply, folks that sleep less are hungrier and have lower energy.
How Many Calories Do You Burn In An Hour Of Sleep?
Every person’s metabolism runs at a unique rate, depending on factors like age, weight, diet, and sleep patterns. The speed at which our metabolism burns calories while we are at rest is cited as our Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. This rate covers our essential bodily functions like breathing, regulating body temperature, circulation, and repair/regrowth of cells.
Our BMR accounts for roughly 80% of the calories our bodies burn during any day. The opposite 20% is utilized by our brain turning glucose into energy. While we sleep the common person’s basal metabolic rate drops and we burn 15% fewer calories than during our waking hours. This happens because our temperature drops, our breathing slows and that we require less energy to continue functioning. During this time we burn approximately 50 calories an hour, give or take.
If you would like a close analysis of your BMR it requires fasting and an overnight stay while your breathing is monitored. If you wish for a general idea you may use the Harris-Benedict Equation which is solved with some basic facts about you.

Calculation In Europe:
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Calculation
BMR = 66.5 + (13.8 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.8 x years of age)
BMR = 66.5+ (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x years of age)
This will offer you your metabolic rate for the whole day. To learn your sleep rate you’ll want to divide your answer by 24, then multiply that by .85 to account for the reduced level during sleep.
What Is The Flat-Belly Overnight Trick?
Dieting is exhausting and causes frustration when flat bellies and toned arms don’t come quickly, or as easily as we’d like. Besides, just removing things from our diet isn’t as beneficial as ensuring the correct things are in our diet. One easy option to ensure our bodies are receiving all of the nutrients it needs for the optimum functionality is to take supplements before retiring to bed.
Resurge is a wonderful example of a supplement that helps your body burn more fat without harsh diets or fasting. Employing a combination of eight natural ingredients, Resurge encourages healthy sleep patterns and a rise in human growth hormones (HGH) within the body. Ingredients like Melatonin, Ashwagandha, and Theanine help reduce stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and deep, restful sleep.
When we can sleep deeply and achieve REM, our metabolism is at its highest night-time levels and by routinely reaching the REM phase we are able to consistently burn fat while we sleep. The additional good thing about Resurge is its focus on human growth hormones and the way they assist our body’s regeneration of cells.
By encouraging our bodies’ HGH production, ingredients like Zinc, Magnesium, and therefore the amino acids Arginine and Lysine, help facilitate the repair of damaged cells while we sleep. Cell repair not only helps keep our muscles strong and our skin youthful, the energy required to complete the repairs burns calories with no effort on our part.
Do I Lose Weight When I Sleep?
Have you ever weighed yourself before bed and so again very first thing after waking up in the morning? If you have got, you will have noticed, that you are approximately a pound lighter the next day than you were the night before. The rationale for this is often so simple that the majority of people are shocked to be told about it. A part of it is attributed to water weight that we lose from sweating, but that is only a tiny low part of it.
The author of the popular science blog Veritasium, and physics teacher from Perth, Australia, Derek Muller has found the reasoning behind this mysterious night time weightloss. When you breathe in you inhale oxygen which contains two oxygen atoms. After you exhale, you push out two oxygen atoms with carbon attached to them. Every single breath you are taking is sending more molecules out of your body than what you’re taking in. Now, carbon atoms are tiny, microscopic, actually, but when you exhale you send out around ten billion trillions of them. Even a small percentage of a gram adds up after you are talking about this quantity.
In addition to the carbon we expel nightly, we also are losing water weight through our breathing. How are we breathing out water? It’s actually just basic water-cycle science. Our body’s temperature hovers around 98 degrees Fahrenheit while we sleep, but folks wouldn’t want to sleep in a 98-degree house. For the sake of this explanation, let’s assume our home is kept at 70 degrees with the humidity at 50%. Therefore the air headed into our lungs is 70 degrees with 50% humidity. Once in our lungs, the air is heated to 90 degrees and the humidity becomes 90%. At that level of humidity, every gram of air we exhale carries with it 0.0272 grams of water vapor. After a median of 7680 breaths in a night, these tiny amounts of carbon and water vapor take a full pound off the scale in the morning.
How Can You Use Lose Weight By Sleeping?
As we learn more about the way our brains work and how they rest, we are learning more about how we can use our body’s natural rhythms to help us lose weight. Playing on our phones in bed or falling asleep with the tv on exposes us to artificial blue light, which can lead to disruptions in our bodies’ circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are the cycles through which our bodies naturally flow in a 24 hour period and are essentially our internal clock. When these rhythms are thrown off it can disrupt everything from our sleep schedule to our moods and appetites. Here are some simple ways to get help get a good night’s rest and keep your internal clock running smoothly.

1. Eat A Small Dinner
Eating a large dinner can put unnecessary strain on our bodies and directs their energy towards digestion late into the night when they could be working on detoxifying and repairing our cells. Meals that are heavy in fats and carbohydrates are especially problematic, explains Dr. Sharon Zarabi RD, CDN, and Bariatric Program Director at Lennox Hill Hospital.
If we eat carbohydrates, blood sugars become elevate and bodies secrete insulin to take the sugars we just ate and shuttle to our cells for use. If we aren’t using that energy, because we are going straight to bed, we will store those calories as fat. The rise of insulin creates a whole cascade of events, increasing blood sugars, promoting fat storage, and preventing fat breakdown and it interferes with the circadian clock of proper sleep” Try eating meals that are heavier in lean proteins and vegetables which will aid in digestion instead of hindering it.

2. Intermittent Fasting
Another great way to help our bodies maintain their natural rhythms is through intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is the practice of fasting for between 12 and 16 hours a day to give the body plenty of time to not only get through digestion but to have a time where it can focus on cellular repairs. Not eating for 12 hours during the day might seem like a lot, but if you are already getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, four extra hours without food is really not much more. By not eating for 2-3 hours before bed and then by putting off breakfast for an hour or two in the morning, you aren’t starving yourself, but are giving your body ample time to get its cellular work done.
3. Cut Down Alcohol Consumption
Just like eating too many carbs right before bed, drinking too much alcohol puts a strain on our body that takes away from crucial metabolic functions. “Our brains would rather burn carbohydrates, just like the rest of the body, and alcohol is basically made from fermented sugars,” says Dr. Michael Jay Nusbaum, MD, and Surgical Director of the Metabolic Medicine and Weight Control Center for Atlantic Health. “Guess what happens to those alcohol sugars in your body? They tie up the liver, which now has to detoxify the alcohol, and stops the body from converting the fat cells to ketones, interfering in the fat-burning process.”
Further, once the alcohol is broken down, the byproducts are high in sugars. A glass of red wine is beneficial to our health and sleep, but an entire bottle is not.
4. Turn Off Your Screens
It is so easy to lay in bed and scroll through social media or watch videos on our phones before bed, but it could be ruining our sleep patterns. The screen on our phones and tablets gives off artificial blue-light, which is extremely disruptive to our circadian rhythms. Exposure to this light reduces the amount of melatonin we produce, which in turn slows our metabolism. Research conducted at Harvard has shown that blue-light reduces our melatonin twice what natural light does and it also throws off our circadian rhythms by twice as much. Another way in which exposure to these artificial lights messes up our bodily systems is by increasing hunger and resistance to insulin.
5. Sleep In Total Darkness
While natural lights are not as harmful to our circadian rhythms as artificial light, they can still throw our sleep schedule off. Our bodies are attuned to the world around us and as soon as the sun goes down they start producing melatonin to make us calm, sleepy, and ready for bed. In our modern lives where we can keep the lights on until all hours of the night, we suppress our bodies’ natural rhythms. In the Journal of Pineal Research, Dr. Nusbaum explains “Melatonin is critical in the regulation of metabolism in our bodies and increased melatonin has been shown to increase Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) mass, and in some studies, improve blood lipid levels and fasting insulin levels”. The increase of BAT mass can lead to important metabolic accelaration such as bodyweight reduction and glycemic improvement.
By reducing our levels of melatonin we are depriving ourselves of precious hours of sleep but also the helpful brown fat cells.
How Many Hours Should I Sleep To Lose Weight?
Most of us have heard at some point that between six and eight hours of sleep is the optimum amount for our health. But are you including the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep in your calculations? Some people can fall asleep in as little as 5-10 minutes, while others might need half an hour before they drift off. It is important to include those waking moments in your sleep schedule and adjust for them. If you know it takes you longer to fall asleep, go to bed half an hour before you need to be asleep to achieve eight hours. The reason it is so vital to get enough sleep has to do with what our brains are doing while we are asleep. Once we are asleep our brains begin the sleep cycle, which consists of four stages, culminating in the goal, REM sleep.
Stage 1– Our bodies begin to slow down, breathing, heart rates, and brain waves all decrease. This stage lasts only a few minutes.
Stage 2– Our muscles relax further, our body temperature drops and we begin to enter deep sleep.
Stage 3– Once we reach deep sleep our breathing and heart-rates are at their lowest levels and we are getting the most restful sleep of our night.
Stage 4 (REM)- After being deep asleep for around an hour and a half, we finally reach REM sleep. In this stage, our brains become more active, and this activity speeds up our metabolism to almost waking levels.
REM sleep lasts for around ten minutes during the first cycle of our night and then gets longer with each repetition. Every time we are woken up we have to start our sleep cycle all over, reducing the amount of time we spend in level 3 and REM sleep. We need to complete these cycles several times a night to wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
How Can I Lose Weight In A Month Without Excercise?
Diet and exercise are great, proven ways to cut off some unwanted pounds, but they are also strenuous and can be stressful. There are other ways to help lose weight, without the pressure. Try some of these tips for a month and see the results.
1. Slow Down
The reason we are more likely to get an upset stomach when we eat quickly is that we are filling our bellies faster than our brains can keep up with, and we end up eating more than we should. Take your time, chew slowly, and let your body tell you when it is getting full, not when it is already too full.
2. Use Smaller Plates
Not only does using smaller plates help keep portion sizes down, but it also tricks your brain into thinking you’ve had more food than you actually have. You see a full plate, and your brain assumes you’ve had a satisfying meal and signals that you are full.
3. Hide Unhealthy Food
If you keep a container of cookies in a Tupperware on the counter, you are more likely to grab one as you walk by than if you store them in the cookie jar. Out of sight, out of mind really works when it comes to snack foods. Storing chips and unhealthy snacks at the back of the pantry where you have to make a conscious decision to go get them makes you less likely to snack on them throughout the day. Do the opposite with healthy snacks. Set a bowl of nuts or grapes on the table and grab a handful when you feel like snacking during the day.

4. Drink Water
Drinking water instead of juice or soda is a great way to cut a lot of sugar out of your day while keeping hydrated. Another way to use water to lose weight is to drink a glass about thirty minutes before you plan to eat a meal, this will help you feel full faster and reduce the number of calories you consume.
5. Turn Distractions Off
Many of us bring our phones to the dinner table or eat in front of the tv, but this can lead to over-eating. When we are distracted by electronics and we aren’t paying attention to what we are eating, we consume around 10% more food than when our focus is on the meal.
6. Sleep Well
Getting enough sleep is important to our bodies in so many ways, but did you know that a lack of sleep can actually make you more hungry? Irregular sleep habits can disrupt a body’s production of the hormones leptin and ghrelin. These hormones being out of balance can lead to increased hunger and cravings for high-calorie foods.
How Can I Increase My Body Fat Burn Rate Overnight?
Waking up in the morning and finding yourself two pounds lighter would be amazing. With the advances, scientists are making in understanding our bodies, it is completely possible to lose weight while sleeping. One way to help stimulate this weight loss is through natural supplements like Resurge. Created by health professional John Barban, Resurge helps restore bodies’ natural circadian rhythms, which leads to an increase in REM level sleep, and weight loss. When we sleep better, our body feels better, and it works better. In addition to being a natural sleep aid, Resurge contains amino acids and minerals to help the body build proteins and restore damaged cells while you sleep.
What Really Works?
After looking at the vast amounts of information available about weight loss what actually works? What will help you lose weight without stressing your body and mind? It is very clear that our weight and sleep habits are closely linked and healthy sleep habits make for a healthier body. While we are in that coveted restless-eye-movement sleep (REM) our body burning calories and doing important repair work on our cells. This level of sleep should be the goal every night when we go to bed. However, due to our modern lifestyles, we aren’t always successful at reaching REM. So with that in mind, what can we do to help ensure we are getting the best sleep we can, and helping our body eliminate fat naturally? The answer is simple:

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“Unlike new drugs, dietary supplements are not reviewed and approved by FDA based on their safety and effectiveness. Unless an exception applies, dietary supplements that contain a new dietary ingredient (a dietary ingredient not marketed in the United States before Oct. 15, 1994) require a notification to FDA at least 75 days before marketing.”
FDA does not approve dietary supplements but used ingredients have to be approved by the U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. See:
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How to lose weight while sleeping?

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